Hersumpana is a researcher at the Center for Health Policy and Management (CHPM), Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. He works for the AIDS Project entitled “HIV/AIDS Policy and Programming within the Framework of Health System in Indonesia”, the Australia – Indonesia Partnership for HIV (AIPH), part of the Public Health Division. He studied Communication Science at the faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Surakarta State University in 2007. Since 1992 he was actively doing research in interdisciplinary field such as AIDS Prevention for the Night Entertainers (1994-1995) in collaboration with Soegijapranoto University, Central Java, Praxis of tradition and religious rites in the Cemetery in Surakarta (1994-1997), Theatre of the oppressed and social change (1995 – 1998) in collaboration with Surakarta Student Centre. From 1999-2002, He worked for the National NGO (Caritas Indonesia) focusing on education of Indonesian remote areas. Then he worked as field researcher at Realino Center Studies, Yogyakarta in 2002-2003. He was recipient of research fellow of the NIOD-LIPI research program on Indonesia Across Orders 1930-1960 from 2004 – 2005. In 2006, he studied History at Post Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University. He wrote thesis on the social history of Bong Suwung Community, an illegal prostitution located in the ex - Chinesse Cemetery along the railway Tugu Station, Yogyakarta. He is interested in interdisciplinary qualitative research on public health, urban poverty, public sphere, diversity and civil society empowerment.